109 Math Jokes That Will Make You Smile

Math can be fun if you add a little humor!

Math jokes turn tricky topics into something you can laugh about.

They make learning more interesting, less boring and help you remember things better.

Math isn’t always easy, but with patience and practice, you get better.

Jokes use basic math ideas and a sense of humor to make math less scary.

They can brighten up a classroom and give you a fun brain break while still helping you learn.

Here are the 109 Math Jokes That Will Make You Smile.

Best Math Jokes

Why was the decimal so popular? It had a point!

Why was the decimal so popular It had a point!

How do you stay warm in a cold math class? Stand in the corner — it’s always 90 degrees!

Why did the function bring a pencil to the party? To draw attention!

Why didn’t the angle get a loan? His parents wouldn’t cosine!

Why did the mathematician break up with algebra? Too many “X”s from the past!

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip in the first place? To arrive at the same point.

What kind of math do you learn in English class? Add-verbs and add-jectives.

What’s a pirate’s favorite math concept? ARRRrrrithmetic!

What’s a pirate’s favorite math concept ARRRrrrithmetic!

What’s a math teacher’s favorite dance? The “Square Root” shuffle!

Who came up with the concept of algebra? An x-pert.

Why did the math student break up with his calculator? He felt it just wasn’t adding up!

Why did the parallel lines never get married? They couldn’t cross paths!

Funny Math Jokes

What tables are students exempted from learning? Dinner Tables.

What’s the official animal of Pi Day? The Pi-thon!

Why is the triangle always included on the basketball team? It was always able to make three-pointers.

Why did the numbers skip school? They knew it would be a “number 2” day!

Why didn’t the quarter follow the nickel down the road? It was more expensive since it had more pennies.

What do you call an angle that’s gone to therapy? A well-adjusted angle!

What did zero say to eight? The belt is nice!

Why did the 7 break up with the 8? Because 8 was acting a little “odd”!

Why did the number 6 hate the number 7? Because 7 8 9!

What is Pi Day’s official animal? The Pi-thon.

Why do math students always look so sharp? Because they have too many points!

lot in common between them.

What’s the hardest math concept for ghosts? Boo-lean logic!

Why did six have a fear of seven? Because seven eight nine.

Which king is the fan of fractions? Henry the one-eighth.

Why was the young triangle denied permission to go on a trip? Because its parents did not sine the consent slip.

Witty Math Jokes

How do you make seven even? Take away the “s”!

What kind of math do birds prefer? Owl-gebra!

Why should one not argue with a decimal? It is because decimals have correct points.

Why did the math test look so relaxing? It was full of “solutions”!

Why was the little number so self-conscious? It felt “incomplete”!

Why did Pi get a promotion? It went the “extra mile”!

What is the only shape that the students must always be wary of? A trap-ezoid.

Why do mathematicians love airports? They love the “terminals”!

Why was the teacher upset with the graph paper? It had too many lines!

Why was 10 afraid of 9 on Halloween? Because 9, 8, 7 (ate 7)!

Why did the two 3s get married? Because they were a perfect “match”!

Why did Pi get dumped? It was irrational!

Why don’t mathematicians get sunburned? They always stay in the shade of the “tan” line!

Why didn’t the math student like dinner? It didn’t have enough “Pi”!

Why was the fraction nervous at the party? It heard there would be some division!

Why was the math class getting stretched? The teacher continued to veer off in a different direction.

What’s a vampire’s favorite type of math? Count-ing!

Is it true that old mathematicians do not pass away? Yes, they do lose some of their functions.

Why did the square break up with the circle? It needed more space!

Hilarious Math Jokes

Why did the obtuse angle get grounded? Because it was always acting larger than it was!

What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!

Why did the fraction start therapy? It had too many parts to deal with!

Why did the number 1 hate social media? Too many followers!

Where do math majors go out to have fun? In the bar graphs.

What kind of math do cows love? Cow-culus!

What did the student say when asked if he understood the concept of Pi? It’s irrational!

What did the numerator say to the denominator? You’re under a lot of pressure!

Why did the student eat his homework? The teacher said it was a “piece of cake!”

Why do plants despise mathematics? It provides them with square roots!

Which tree is the favorite of the math teacher? Geome-try!

Why didn’t the number 10 go to the party? It had a one and done attitude!

Why do mathematicians hate parties? They can’t handle the “radians”!

How do you know a math teacher is a good dancer? They’ve got great function!

Why do math teachers never break up? They always find a “solution”!

Which figures just won’t stay put? It’s all about roaming numerals.

What do you get when you cross a math teacher and a clock? Times tables!

Why was the obtuse triangle always in a state of disarray? Because it’s never quite right.

Did anybody hear about the statistician’s joke? Probably.

Why is the location of mathematicians’ graves the way it is? Because of the symmetry.

What is the sum of 2n and 2n? For-eign!

Why was the geometry book always stressed? Too many points to prove!

What do you call a number with an attitude? A prime suspect!

Creative Math Jokes

What did the teacher tell the naughty student in the math class? You are the root of the problem.

What was the source of the math book’s sadness? It was riddled with its own problems.

What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless!

What did one math book say to the spelling book? I’m confident that I can rely on you!

Why is the circle often termed the ‘over-educated circle’? It has 360 ‘degrees.’

Why do parallel lines have so much in common? They never meet!

Why did the math book look so sad? It had too many problems!

Why is math so good at yoga? It’s all about “balance”!

Why was the geometry student always so tired? He stayed up all night trying to find his X!

What was the significance of the modesty of the equal sign? He was well aware that he was neither lesser nor greater than anyone else.

What do you call a number that just can’t stay still? A roamin’ numeral!

How does a fisherman figure out how many fish he has to catch to break even? Using a cod-ratic inequality as an example.

Did you hear about the mathematician who was depressed and gave up on math? Yes. He was afraid of negative numbers.

What’s a math student’s favorite instrument? The “triangle”!

What’s a math teacher’s favorite holiday? Pi Day, of course!

Why don’t circles ever argue? They just go round and round!

Why is it that 69 is so afraid of 70? They fought and then seventy ‘one.’

What is the swimmer’s preferred type of math? Dive-ision.

What’s a mathematician’s favorite season? Sum-mer!

Clever Math Jokes

What’s a math teacher’s favorite kind of tree? Geometry!

What do you call a parrot that loves math? A “poly-gon”!

What do you call a number that disappears? A “vanishing point”!

Why was the equal sign so humble? Because it knew it wasn’t less than or greater than anyone else!

Why don’t fractions go to school? They’re always being divided!

Why was the math professor afraid to go to the zoo? He was scared of the pi-thon.

Why do plants hate math? It gives them square roots!

What do you call a really good math book? A “best-seller”!

Why was the shape so bad at singing? It had too many “angles” to its voice!

Why didn’t the two 4’s date? They already had a perfect square!

Why did the triangle go to therapy? It had too many issues to “angle” on its own!

Why didn’t the 2 date the 3? Because 3’s a crowd!

What do parabola babies drink? The quadratic formula.

Which civilization excelled at mathematics? The Romans, because X was always 10 for them.

What is the name of a person who has more than one L? A para-llel.

Why was the calculator so bad at dating? It couldn’t find the right “match”!

Why do math teachers love parks? Because of all the natural logs!

What’s a mathematician’s favorite dessert? Pi(e)!

Why was the student afraid of negative numbers? He’d stop at nothing to avoid them!

Who is the inventor of the round table? Cir-cumference.

Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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